
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Season 2 Episode 19: Hitting the One Month Mark
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
It’s been a month since we’ve been living the quarantine life and just like the rest of the world, we have experienced our fair share of highs & lows. From getting excited about starting a routine for our new normal, to just being fed up with the entire situation… We won’t be sugar-coating it for you this week… (we are feeling a bit down)
Join us as we compare what it’s like to hit the one month milestone for work, relationship and moving into a new home! – Let us know which one you think is the most exciting!

Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Season 2 Episode 18: Tiger King Recap
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Warning: Episode contains spoilers!
This quarantine has sucked us into the “Joe Exotic” phenomenon. We really did not want to click on this Netflix series, but with not much to do, and constantly being bombarded with memes of Joe and Carol on IG, we finally caved.
This week we do a deep dive of why we think this show is soo popular, who we think is the real “villain”, and which parts we think were the most outrageous in this documentary.
Whether you are fascinated with the series, or still having second doubts about binge-ing this odd show, join us and find out where we think Carol’s husband really is!

Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Season 2 Episode 17: Marrying Your Best Friend
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Are you in quarantine with your best friend?
This week we chat about how grateful we are to have our BF/husband to rely on during this time of isolation. We discuss how being isolated at home and spending 24/7 together really does accelerate a relationship and wonder how many couples will survive this “challenge” ... this scenario reminds us of Bachelor In Paradise
One of us reveals an extremely awkward moment during a conference call this week... trust me this one tops it all!

Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Season 2 Episode 16: Isolation Week Two
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
This week we chat about the small wins and moments of joy that we have encountered during the second week of our “new normal”
Find out what we are doing to cope with boredom, stress and a whole lot of free time. One of us discovered boxed wine X2… while the other established a new found liking for cutting vegetables (listen to find out more)
We hope you are all staying safe and healthy! Just remember to cherish this extra time with your family, pets, couch and Netflix. Because believe it or not the day will come when we all have to put pants on again.

Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Season 2 Episode 15: How to Survive Social Distancing 101
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Like many of you around the world, we are following safety measures, self isolating and being BORED AF.
It is week 1 of self-quarantine and we are desperately finding new ways to entertain ourselves!
This week we share our quarantine week 1 routine with you, what we have been watching, listening, cooking, drink etc.
Hopefully we can be a source of support and entertainment for you during this time of uncertainty.
Just know that whatever we are going through will eventually pass, and that we will get through this together as a community!
Sending you sunshine, tulips and positive vibes

Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Season 2 Episode 14: Spring Cleaning
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
With the weather getting warmer, and the sun shining brighter, we know that spring is near!
There ‘s nothing more exciting than seeing tulips in full bloom, but for some of us “Spring Cleaning” brings an odd abundance of joy… (ugh we are so old)
Listen as we dive into our “strategic plan” on how to do spring cleaning the Let’s Talk Basic way. Laugh as we share some of the most embarrassing finds and take you through clothes we should have “donated” years ago! One of us is very passionate about this process while the other is less enthused… (can you guess who is more excited?)
Let us know if you will be detoxing your home this spring!

Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Season 2 Episode 13: Me Time
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
This week we are diving into a topic that brings a BIG smile to our face… “Me Time”
We love talking about it, but realize that we are terrible at scheduling it… can you relate?
Every Monday morning when asked “What did you do this weekend”, we often follow with, birthday dinner, baby shower, bridal shower, engagement brunch, wedding (you get the point) We are so good at scheduling time with others, but feel guilty about scheduling time just for ourselves
Listen as we reveal what we love to do during our “Me Time”, and give you tips on how to feel less guilty about saying “no”. Now go schedule some time just for yourself!

Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Season 2 Episode 12: The Bachelor Recap
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Many of you know our obsession with the ABC series The Bachelor! I mean we even did our own version of it (check it out on our IG TV). We were trying to refrain our thoughts on the show, but this season has been so ridiculous and drama-filled so we couldn’t not resist!
Listen as we share our thoughts on Pilot Pete, the girls on this season, and what our predictions are for his final 3 contestants! (warning: if you are not caught up, there are some spoilers)
Even if you don’t follow the series, this episode is entertaining and outrageous on its own based on how immature the contestants are this season!

Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Season 2 Episode 11: A Work Rant
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Sometimes all you need is a big glass of wine a good friend, and a long ranting session…
Join us and be a fly on the wall as we b*tch about the rough work week we both had and share some invaluable honest life tips.
We hold nothing back, and share what really frustrates us, and wonder how some people just seem to always get away with things.
Let us know if you can relate! You don’t want to miss this candid episode!

Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Season 2 Episode 10: Love Languages
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Do you ever feel like you & your partner are not on the same page? Have you left a conversation and wondered “WHY ON EARTH they are so upset!?”… well if you want to get to the root of it, have a listen to this week’s episode and learn all about the 5 love languages!
We are joined by our friend & special guest CHRISTINA. Some of you may remember her from a previous episode “Interracial Relationships”. Listen as we discover our love languages, what’s important to us, how it impacts our relationships (including friendships), and what we are doing to overcome our flaws.